God has blessed us with another precious little baby on the way!!!! :)
This friday will mark 3 months pregnant for me. Due date for our little one is December 10th 2010. This pregnancy already seems alot easier than when I was pregnant with Ava. I had just a few weeks of the constant nauseousness and only a week of true morning sickness. For the past week, as long as I have small snacks through out the day I seem to feel alot better. But if for what ever reason I go too long with out eating something I start to feel sick all over again. Cody and I told Ava about the new baby I dont think she understands just yet, but I know she will in time. Last night she did walked over to Cody and I then she rubbed my tummy and kissed it. So cute! Ava is such a fun loving little girl. I really hope and pray that our next little baby boy/girl is just as sweet as her and as easy as she is. We have been so spoiled with Ava... She makes me laugh and smile pretty much all day long. Yesterday I had gloves on doing the dishes and when I was done I turned around and looked at Ava and there she was.. She had found a glove and put it on her hand. :)

Some more exciting news that we have is house news... Cody worked on our property to get the house pad ready for footings. Last Monday we submitted our plans to the county. It may take a few weeks, so we are on hold for now. The house plans are gorgeous! More than I could dream of having. The original plans have five bedrooms or four plus office, but we are only going to build it with three bedrooms for now and add the other two on later (for financial reasons of course). Cody is such an optimistic person and I tend to be more umm.... not negative but maybe more realistic and scared. I have no idea how we are doing this, but Cody does. I guess that's all that matters, is that he knows what he is capable of and has a plan. I am glad he is the way he is though, because we would never take any risks if he had more of my personality.